The ubiquity of overweight and obesity has extended in recent years in India. Good nutrition and healthy energy levels are significant parts of a healthy life, but people in today’s world lack eating good food and consume more of unhealthy junk food which will lead to obesity. Obesity has become a common concern that can influence the body's ability to operate in the healthiest possible way.
The lazy lifestyle and back-to-back lockdowns made people to remain at home without exercise. Recently, the World health organisation had projected that obesity has almost increased thrice since 1975. Talking about India, 135 million individuals are overweight, according to the Indian journal of community medicine.
Get the Obesity treatment in Ladkipul from Dr. Y. Rami Reddy
What are the Obesity Complications?
Obesity is a serious concern. Many of the obesity complications can decrease the quality of life and also reduce the life expectancy. At the point when obesity goes untreated, individuals risk developing other serious medical conditions. The results of obesity include the following:
- cardiovascular diseases
- diabetes mellitus
- certain cancers
- sleep apnea
- skin disorders
- social, economic and mental issues
- metabolic syndrome
- osteoarthritis
- tendon and fascial disorders
- gastroesophageal reflux
- liver disorders
- gallbladder illness
- reproductive system problems
- urologic issues
When to see a doctor?
If you are overweight and you're worried about your weight or weight-related health issues, ask your obesity doctor in Hyderabad about obesity management. The doctor and yourself can assess the health risks and examine your weight loss choices.
How to deal with your obesity?
- Exercise daily, you must do 150 - 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (quick walking, swimming) seven days to prevent weight gain.
- Follow a good dieting plan by focusing on low-calorie, nutrient-dense foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
- Screen your weight routinely and be consistent in following your diet plans.
- Consult a specialist to rule out risk factors.
- Do regular health check-ups to keep a check on you wellbeing.
Visit gastroenterologist in shaikpet for weight loss treatment in lakdikapul
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